Wednesday, January 7, 2009


pretty ponies prancing while playing with the posies!
bananas that eat human noses and the first letter off of all words.
ello y ame s elsey! h o! (translation: hello my name is kelsey! oh no!)
did you konw taht if you mxeid up the mddile ltetres in a wrod yuor bairn sitll can raed it? cool huh! smoe wrdos dno't wrok.
golfers ate my school work and gave my teacher homework!
saying random stuff makes you hyper!
cookies are silly when baked to a crisp... you can use them as hats or frisbees!
jelly beans are good for juggling when you're really small and hungry.
hats are used for boats in a rats world.
simple is the new bomb for blowing up yarn.

... enjoyed me going on about things that don't make sense??? ME TOO!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


the pictures on my wall and dresser collect dust. they show me what i've had. they show me who i loved. the pictures fade over time and become lost in a trunk. going through years later we see who i've forgot. memories overcome other thoughts. tears fall from my nose. i never wanted to lose those times.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

little rainbow.

my little rainbow sits out my window. i can see it afar. little drops of rain fall aside my rainbow. shinning, glimmering rain soaks my socks. i dance with my rainbow, splashing in the puddles. wanting to steal my rainbow before the sun does.

key and lock.

key and lock. lock and key. one opens while the other shuts out. lose the key and never get through the lock. lock works with only one key. imagine them both working together, see the wonder they create. a new door awaits to be unlocked with the key and lock.